General Rules

  • Listen and obey the mods. We do our best to be fair when we have to lay down the law - please do not make it difficult for us.

  • Respect the natural diversity of everyone, and use common courtesy. If a user is making you uncomfortable, take your concerns to a mod. We're on your side, and we want to make this environment as accepting as possible. Transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, rape jokes, or any other kind of intolerant behavior is not permitted.

  • Do not advertise anywhere outside of the respective page. Any violating posts will be deleted.

  • Wolfstory is a mature forum with some adult themes involved in and out of character. If you are sensitive towards that kind of thing, we don't suggest you join us for your benefit and ours. That being said, if someone is making tasteless comments or jokes, please raise your concerns with a mod and provide screenshots of the incident.

  • Be active! Don't join Wolfstory if you don't think you can commit to being here at least semi-regularly. We really appreciate a heads-up if you're going to be inactive for more than a week, or if you're quitting. We won't be mad at you if you decide to go - just let us know so that we can respond accordingly.